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Phrasal Verbs Second Year BAC review and Exercise

Phrasal Verbs Review Exercises

Phrasal Verbs

[phrasal verbs] هي أفعال تتكون من فعل [verb] و [preposition] مثل: [bring about] و [set up] و [look for] و [come back] و [go on] و [come in] لمراجعة درس [phrasal verbs] بالكالم إضغط هنا. أثناء شرح الدرس تطرقنا إلى فكرة مهمة و هي أن [phrasal verbs] كثيرة جدا في اللغة الإنجليزية مما يعني أنه يصعب على التلاميذ تذكر كل الأفعال. لكن هناك طريقة رائعة و بسيطة لمراجعة تلك الأفعال و هي كالتالي:

Complete the following sentences with the correct phrasal verbs from the chart above

1.Don’t listen to her, she can always stories.
2.Mrs. Delilah is looking for someone to of her babies.
3.John advised his wife to for the job they advertised on TV.
4.This initiative will certainly major changes to the community.
5.She was accepted to work in the office, but she will the offer.
6.My friend Khalid managed to the America accent in USA.
7.John decided to playing football at the end of this season.
8.We can’t go out next Sunday because my father’s car is very old, it can actually at any time.
9.You should always your shoes before you enter a mosque.
10.Why don’t you some warm clothes. It is very cold outside.
11.The plane to Manchester will tomorrow at 7:45 am.
12.Some students did not their personal information correctly. Asa a result the administration may their applications.
13.UNICEF United Nations International Children Emergency Fund
14.I will be right back my dear, just working on these papers.
15.You should always difficult words in a dictionary when you read a text.
16.I really need to who broke into my house and stole the DVD-Player.
17.I can't my Facebook account because I don't have the password.
18.When I finish my studies, I will a business to sell clothes.
19.We will wait for some time, but if john does not we will just leave without him.
20.Change this phone, it can at anytime.

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