Passive Voice Exercises (Part 2)
Second Year Baccalaureate
English With Simo
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تمارين المبني للمجهول للثانية بكالوريا | الإنجليزية مع السيمو
يعتبر درس المبني للمجهول (Passive Voice) من بين الدروس المهمة جدا في سنة الثانية بكالوريا. و العديد من المتعلمين يجدون صعوبة في فهم هذا الدرس لما يتضمنه من قواعد. لكن في الحقيقة فدرس المبني للمجهول بسيط جدا، يحتاج فقط إلى البعض من التركيز و الإشتغال على مجموعة من التمارين حتى تتمكن من معرفة قواعد تحويل الجمل من المبني للمعلوم (Active Voice) إلى المبني للمجهول (Passive Voice).

🔴إن كنت لم تفهم درس المبني للمجهول جيدا، شاهد الفيديو أسفله قبل الإشتغال على التمرين أسفله.
🔴في هذا الفيديو أقدم لك شرحا مفصلا جدا باللغة الإنجليزية و العربية
🔴يمكنك كذلك تحميل ورقة (pdf) تتضمن مجموعة أخرى من تمارين المبني للمجهول (Passive Voice)
The Passive Voice Well-Explained In Video
Passive Voice Exercise
✅Complete the sentences with the passive form of the verbs in blue
🔴Jack paints the house every year. |
➡️The house by Jack every year. |
🔴Jack paints many houses every year. |
➡️Many houses by Jack every year. |
🔴My mother cooked a pizza last night. |
➡️A pizza by my mother last night. |
🔴My mother cooked two pizzas last night. |
➡️Two pizzas by my mother last night. |
🔴The author will write another book next year. |
➡️Another book by the author next year. |
🔴The journalist will write many articles about the event next week. |
➡️Many articles by the journalist about the event next week. |
🔴My father is reading a newspaper in the living room. |
➡️A newspaper by my father in the living room. |
🔴My mother is washing the dishes in the kitchen. |
➡️The dishes by my mother in the kitchen. |
🔴The lady was cleaning the room when you came in. |
➡️The room by the lady when you came in. |
🔴My friend was deleting some files from his computer. |
➡️Some files by my friend from his computer. |
🔴The businessman has completed the work in this area. |
➡️The work by the businessman in this area. |
🔴My brother has received three articles from the website this week. |
➡️Three articles by my brother from the website this week. |
🔴They had built a new mosque in my town. |
➡️A new mosque in my town. |
🔴They had built two mosques in my town. |
➡️Two mosques in my town. |
🔴I will have finished my book my next year. |
➡️My book by next year. |
🔴The teacher will have written three books by the end of the year. |
➡️Three books by the end of the year. |
🔴You can speak English in this meeting. |
➡️English in this meeting. |
🔴People may speak different languages in the seminar. |
➡️Different language in the seminar. |