Linking Words + Exercise By English With Simo
أدوات الربط + تمرين تفاعلي

أدوات الربط هي بكل بساطة كلمات نستعملها لربط الأفكار عندما نكتب. هناك مجموعة من أدوات الربط [linking words] في اللغة الإنجليزية و لكل أداة ربط وظيفتها حسب سياق الجملة. لاحظ هذا المثال جيدا:
1. The Internet is a source of information.2. The internet is a source of entertainment.
هنا لدينا جملتان يمكن أن نربط بينهما بإستعمال أحد أدوات الربط التي تعبر عن الإضافة و نقول:
🔴The Internet is a source of information. Besides, it is a source of entertainment.
الكلمة التي إستعملناها لربط الجملتين هي [Besides] و تعني [بالإضافة إلى ذلك] و وظيفتها هي الإضافة [Addition]
هناك مجموعة من أدوات الربط في اللغة الإنجليزية و لكل أداة ربط وظيفتها الخاصة مثل:
🔴الإضافة [Addition]
🔴الإستدراك [Concession]
🔴السبب [Cause]
🔴النتيجة [Effect]
🔴الغاية و الهدف [Purpose]
رابط تحميل وثيقة التمارين
Addition (الإضافة)
للتعبير عن الإضافة نستعمل كلمات مثل:
Besides | In addition | Moreover | Furthermore | Also | Too | Additionally | And
كل هذه العبارات تعني "بالإضافة إلى ذلك" باللغة العربية.
✅ My friend is very intelligent boy. He is hard working. (moreover)
Answer: My friend is very intelligent. Moreover, he is hard working.
✅ Jack works in a bank. He works in a school. (In addition)
Answer: Jack works in a bank. In addition, he works in a school.
✅ The report is badly written. It is not very accurate. (Besides)
Answer: The report is badly written. Besides, it is not accurate.
Answer: My friend is very intelligent. Moreover, he is hard working.
✅ Jack works in a bank. He works in a school. (In addition)
Answer: Jack works in a bank. In addition, he works in a school.
✅ The report is badly written. It is not very accurate. (Besides)
Answer: The report is badly written. Besides, it is not accurate.
Concession 1 (الإستدراك)
للتعبير عن الإستدراك نستعمل كلمات مثل:
But | Yet | However
كل هذه العبارات تعني "لكن" باللغة العربية مثل:
✅ The government built many schools in rural areas. Many women are still illiterate. (However)
Answer: The government built many schools in rural areas. However, many women are still illiterate.
✅ The internet has many disadvantages. Teenagers still use it a lot. (But)
Answer: The internet has many disadvantages. But, teenagers still use it a lot.
Answer: The government built many schools in rural areas. However, many women are still illiterate.
✅ The internet has many disadvantages. Teenagers still use it a lot. (But)
Answer: The internet has many disadvantages. But, teenagers still use it a lot.
Concession 2 (الإستدراك)
للتعبير عن الإستدراك نستعمل عبارات أخرى مثل:
Although | Even though | Though | Despite | In spite of
كل هذه العبارات تعني "بالرغم من" باللغة العربية مثل:
✅ Many people refused to buy milk in Morocco. The government did not respond to people. (Although)
Answer: Although many people refused to buy milk in Morocco, the government did not respond to people.
✅ John works day and night. He does not save much money for himself. (Despite)
Answer (1): Despite the fact that John works day and night, he does not save much money for himself.
Answer (2): Despite working day and night, John does not save much money for himself.
✅ African countries make a great effort to reduce illiteracy. Many people are still illiterate. (in spite of)
Answer (1): In spite of the fact that African countries make a great effort to reduce illiteracy, many people are still illiterate.
Answer (2): In spite of making a great effort to reduce illiteracy, many people are still illiterate in African countries.
Answer: Although many people refused to buy milk in Morocco, the government did not respond to people.
✅ John works day and night. He does not save much money for himself. (Despite)
Answer (1): Despite the fact that John works day and night, he does not save much money for himself.
Answer (2): Despite working day and night, John does not save much money for himself.
✅ African countries make a great effort to reduce illiteracy. Many people are still illiterate. (in spite of)
Answer (1): In spite of the fact that African countries make a great effort to reduce illiteracy, many people are still illiterate.
Answer (2): In spite of making a great effort to reduce illiteracy, many people are still illiterate in African countries.
Cause (السبب)
للتعبير عن السبب نستعمل عبارات مثل:
Because | Since | For | As
كل هذه العبارات تعني "لأنه" باللغة العربية مثل:
✅ I am revising my lessons every day. I want to get a very good mark. (because)
Answer: I am revising my lessons every day because I want to get a very good mark.
✅ It was raining heavily last night. We did not go to cinema. (because)
Answer: We didn't go to cinema because it was raining heavily.
✅ The criminal robbed the bank. The police arrested him. (because)
Answer: The police arrested the criminal because he robbed the bank.
✅ People don't have high paying jobs. They emigrate abroad. (because)
Answer: People emigrate abroad because they don't have high paying jobs.
Answer: I am revising my lessons every day because I want to get a very good mark.
✅ It was raining heavily last night. We did not go to cinema. (because)
Answer: We didn't go to cinema because it was raining heavily.
✅ The criminal robbed the bank. The police arrested him. (because)
Answer: The police arrested the criminal because he robbed the bank.
✅ People don't have high paying jobs. They emigrate abroad. (because)
Answer: People emigrate abroad because they don't have high paying jobs.
Effect (النتيجة)
للتعبير عن النتيجة نستعمل عبارات مثل:
As a result | So | Consequently | As a consequence | Therefore | Because of this
كل هذه العبارات تعني "كنتيجة لذلك" باللغة العربية مثل:
✅ Many students did not come to the school. The weather was very bad. (as a result)
Answer: The weather was very bad as a result many students did not come to school.
✅ Many people don't have good jobs in African countries. They emigrate to Europe. (therefore)
Answer: Many people don't have good jobs in African countries. Therefore, they emigrate to Europe.
✅ The criminal robbed so much money from the local bank. The police arrested him immediately. (consequently)
Answer: The criminal robbed so much money from the local bank. Consequently, the police arrested him immediately.
Answer: The weather was very bad as a result many students did not come to school.
✅ Many people don't have good jobs in African countries. They emigrate to Europe. (therefore)
Answer: Many people don't have good jobs in African countries. Therefore, they emigrate to Europe.
✅ The criminal robbed so much money from the local bank. The police arrested him immediately. (consequently)
Answer: The criminal robbed so much money from the local bank. Consequently, the police arrested him immediately.
Purpose (الغاية و الهدف)
للتعبير عن الغاية و الهدف من فعل شيء ما، نستعمل عبارات مثل:
In order to | So as to | To | So that | For
كل هذه العبارات تعني "لكي" أو "من أجل أن" باللغة العربية مثل:
✅ Ahmed went to the cafe. He wants to watch UCL games. (so as to)
Answer: Ahmed went to the cafe so as to watch UCL games.
✅ Mr. White works every day. He wants to save some money. (in order to)
Answer: Mr. White works every day in order to save some money.
✅ You should concentrate well. Don't make mistakes in your exam. (so as not to)
Answer: You should concentrate well so as not to make mistakes in your exam.
✅ Edward should wake up early. He wants to come on time to the meeting. (to)
Answer: Edward should wake up early to come on time to the meeting.
✅ My classmates are collecting donations. They want to help poor people. (so that)
Answer: My classmates are collecting donations so that they can help poor people
✅ The organization used TV and Radio ads. They want to reach people everywhere. (so that)
Answer: The organization used TV and Radio ads so that they can reach people everywhere
Answer: Ahmed went to the cafe so as to watch UCL games.
✅ Mr. White works every day. He wants to save some money. (in order to)
Answer: Mr. White works every day in order to save some money.
✅ You should concentrate well. Don't make mistakes in your exam. (so as not to)
Answer: You should concentrate well so as not to make mistakes in your exam.
✅ Edward should wake up early. He wants to come on time to the meeting. (to)
Answer: Edward should wake up early to come on time to the meeting.
✅ My classmates are collecting donations. They want to help poor people. (so that)
Answer: My classmates are collecting donations so that they can help poor people
✅ The organization used TV and Radio ads. They want to reach people everywhere. (so that)
Answer: The organization used TV and Radio ads so that they can reach people everywhere
Linking Words Exercise By English With Simo