جميع وظائف اللغة في الإطار المرجعي لمادة اللغة الإنجليزية 2020
مع تمارين تفاعلية

في الجدول أسفله تجد جميع تعابيير وظائف اللغة التي ستكون في الإمتحان الوطني في مادة اللغة الإنجليزية دورة 2020 حسب ما جاء في الإطال المرجعي الإستثنائي لهذه السنة. هناك أيضا تمارين تفاعلية أسفل الجدول ستساعدك على التدرب على تحديد وظيفة كل عبارة و جملة.
تحميل وثيقة الدرس
Language Functions (BAC 2020) By English With Simo
Making Requests تقديم الطلب |
Responding to requests الرد على الطلبات |
Complaining تقديم الشكوى |
Apologizing الإعتدار |
⚈Can you …? ⚈Could you …? ⚈Would you …? ⚈Would you mind …? ⚈I wonder if you could…? ⚈Would you possibly …? |
⚈Yes of course. ⚈Sure, why not. ⚈It’s my pleasure. ⚈You’re welcome. ⚈I am sorry I can’t. ⚈I am afraid I can’t. |
⚈Sorry to say this, but … ⚈Excuse me, but … ⚈I am afraid I … ⚈Sorry to bother you, but… ⚈I hate to say it, but … |
⚈I am sorry. ⚈Pardon me. ⚈I beg your pardon. ⚈I didn’t mean to do that. ⚈It will not happen again. ⚈It’s my fault. |
Asking For Advice طلب النصيحة |
Giving Advice إعطاء النصيحة |
Making Suggestions الإقتراحات |
Responding to Suggestions الرد على الإقتراحات |
⚈What should I do? ⚈What do you advise me? ⚈What do you think I should do? ⚈What do you suggest? |
⚈You should … ⚈You ought to … ⚈I advise you to … ⚈You have to … ⚈If I were you, I would … ⚈Why don’t you … |
⚈Let’s …? ⚈Shall we …? ⚈Why don’t we …? ⚈What about …? ⚈How about …? |
⚈Let’s do that. ⚈That’s a good idea. ⚈Yes, why not. ⚈Yes. With pleasure. ⚈I’d rather not. ⚈I don’t feel like it. |
Asking for Opinion طلب الرأي |
Expressing Opinion التعبير عن الرأي |
Agreeing الإتفاق مع الرأي |
Disagreeing معارضة الرأي |
⚈In your opinion, what …? ⚈Do you think that …? ⚈Do you believe that …? ⚈How do you feel about …? ⚈What are your views on…? |
⚈In my opinion, … ⚈I think that … ⚈I believe that … ⚈To my mind … ⚈For me, …. ⚈As far as I am concerned ... |
⚈I agree with you. ⚈I share the same view. ⚈I think so too. ⚈I couldn’t agree more. ⚈I feel the same way about it. |
⚈I disagree with you. ⚈I don’t think so. ⚈I am afraid I disagree. ⚈I don’t see it that way. ⚈I don’t feel the same way about it. |
Language Functions Practice Exercise By English With Simo
هذا الجدول يتضمن مجموعة من التعابير باللغة الإنجليزية، المطلوب منك تحديد وظيفة كل تعبير و كل جملة بكتابة رقم الوظيفة اللغوية أمامها.
أرقام الوظائف اللغوية توجد في الجدول أسفله.
أرقام الوظائف اللغوية توجد في الجدول أسفله.
1. Making Requests 2. Responding to Requests 3. Complaining 4. Apologizing |
5. Asking for Advice 6. Giving Advice 7. Suggesting 8. Responding to Suggestions |
9. Asking for Opinion 10. Expressing Opinion 11. Agreeing 12. Disagreeing |
✅I don't understand this course. What should I do? | |
✅Could you send me a copy of that book please? | |
✅I don't share the same view on this point. | |
✅I awfully sorry. I forgot the book you lent me at home. | |
✅What do you think is the most effective e-learning platform. | |
✅Why don't we work in groups to share our ideas. | |
✅You ought not to waste your time playing mobile games. | |
✅I feel the same way about that point. | |
✅As far as I am concerned, distance learning is very effective. | |
✅That's a great idea. Let's do it. | |
✅I am sorry to say this, but your kids broke the window of my car. | |
✅Sure. With pleasure. |