English With Simo

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للتسجيل في عرض دروس الثانية بكالوريا 📚 بثمن رمزي 💰 500 درهم فقط للموسم الكامل ⭐ تواصل معنا عبر واتساب هنا 📲📲 وسنتواصل معك 🤝 مرحبا بك في مجموعتنا الخاصة 👥

الثانية بكالوريا: تمارين تفاعلية لمراجعة درس التعبير عن عدم الفهم و طلب التوضيح (Expressing lack of understanding and asking for clarification) الإنجليزية مع السيمو

English Communication Lessons

التعبير عن عدم الفهم و طلب التوضيح

Expressing Lack of understading and Asking for clarification

Study the following dialogue

◼️Jawad: Hello Khalid, can I ask you a question?
◼️Khalid: Yeah, sure
◼️Jawad: What do you think is the reason why students do not get good marks in their exams?
◼️Khalid: I think that social media is the reason.
◼️Jawad: I don't get it, Can you be more explicit please?
◼️Khalid: I mean they spend so much time on social media websites like facebook and whatsapp and they neglect (يهمل) their studies.
◼️Jawad: Yeah, I see what you mean. Thank you.

Expressing Lack of understanding Asking for clarification
1. Sorry, I don't understand.
2. Sorry, I didn't get your point.
3. Sorry, I didn't hear you well.
4. I am not quite following you.
5. I don't see what you mean exactly.
6. I beg your pardon.
7. Could you say that again please?
8. Can you repeat please.
1. What do you mean exactly?
2. Can you explain that please?
3. Can you clarify that please?
4. Could you be more explicit?
5. Could you elaborate on that please?
6. Could say it differently please?
7. Can you give an example of that please?
8. What do you mean?

Quiz One

عرض الثانية بكالوريا مع الأستاذ السيمو

1000 درهم للسنة
فقط 500 درهم للسنة
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