English With Simo

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للتسجيل في عرض دروس الثانية بكالوريا 📚 بثمن رمزي 💰 500 درهم فقط للموسم الكامل ⭐ تواصل معنا عبر واتساب هنا 📲📲 وسنتواصل معك 🤝 مرحبا بك في مجموعتنا الخاصة 👥

Exercise On Passive Voice and Active Voice English With Simo

مرحبا بك في الموقع الرسمي للإنجليزية مع السيمو، المطلوب منك في هذا التمرين هو تحويل الفعل المبني للمعلوم إلى الفعل المبني للمجهول. قبل بداية الإجابة على الأسئلة انظر الصورة أسفله.

Passive voice practice exercises.

I. Complete the sentences with the passive form of the verb.
1. ICRC provides medical assistance to wounded soldiers.
(*) Medical assistance to wounded soldiers.
2. They will give the best students awards at the end of the year.
(*) Awards to students at the end of the year.
3. I have finished all my school exercises today.
(*) All my school exercises today.
4. The journalist is writing a news article.
(*) A new article by the journalist.
5. My mother was washing clothes in the back garden.
(*) clothes in the back garden.
6. I can do many things in my life.
(*) Many things in my life.
7. They had already built a school before they destroyed the old one.
(*) A school before they destroyed the old one.
8. They invited many people to their wedding celebration.
(*) Many people to their wedding celebration.
9. The police questioned George about the robbery.
(*) George about the robbery.
10. You should not touch this button as it's dangerous.
(*) This button as it's dangerous.
This exercise (1) has been made Mohamed Boujamaa at English With Simo

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