English With Simo

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للتسجيل في عرض دروس الثانية بكالوريا 📚 بثمن رمزي 💰 500 درهم فقط للموسم الكامل ⭐ تواصل معنا عبر واتساب هنا 📲📲 وسنتواصل معك 🤝 مرحبا بك في مجموعتنا الخاصة 👥

Unit One: Gifts Of Youth

الوحدة الأولى من دروس مستوى الثانية بكالوريا

الدروس المهارات عنوان الدرس فيديو شرح الدرس (مجاني) وثيقة التمارين (مدفوع) فيديو التصحيح (مدفوع)
الدرس الأول درس المعجم معجم مواهب الشباب إفتح الملف هنا إفتح الملف هنا إفتح الملف هنا
الدرس الثاني درس التواصل التعبير عن الرأي إفتح الملف هنا إفتح الملف هنا إفتح الملف هنا
الدرس الثالث درس القواعد صيغ الأفعال إفتح الملف هنا إفتح الملف هنا إفتح الملف هنا
الدرس الرابع درس القراءة القراءة و الفهم إفتح الملف هنا إفتح الملف هنا إفتح الملف هنا
الدرس الرابع درس القراءة القراءة و الفهم إفتح الملف هنا إفتح الملف هنا إفتح الملف هنا
الدرس الخامس درس الإنشاء فقرة الوصف إفتح الملف هنا إفتح الملف هنا إفتح الملف هنا
الإمتحان تقويم الوحدة تقويم الوحدة إفتح الملف هنا إفتح الملف هنا إفتح الملف هنا

تحميل وثيقة الملخص الشامل للوحدة

تصفح الوحدات الأخرى

Interactive Exercises List

تمارين تفاعلية مختلفة في جميع دروس الوحدة الأولى

Vocabulary Exercise One: Gifts of Youth
Gifts of Youth Vocabualry
I. Put the words between brackets in the correct form:
1. Young entrepreneurs who are very (success) work hard every day.
2. Although he went through many problems, he never felt (pessimism) about the future.
3. Latifa was full of (energetic) when she was giving her speech at school.
4. My father thinks that I am a (strong-head) when I don’t listen to his advice.
5. Women nowadays are so (self-confidence) they always speak for their rights.
6. We have a (creativity) teacher. He explains all the lessons in a very good way.
7. Some young people are very (audacity) because they task so much risk at that age.
8. My friend is a very (reliability) person. I always count on him when I go though hard times.
9. Many people agree that (patient) and hard work are the major keys of success.
10. You should always be (responsibility) for your actions and behaviors.
Vocabulary Exercise Two: Gifts of Youth
Gifts of Youth Vocabualry
I. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the list below:
adventurous | creative | honest | reliable | punctual | sociable | ambitious | optimistic | talented | imaginary
1. Some students are very because they come with interesting ideas.
2. James is a because he comes to school on time every day.
3. A lot of people believe that Messi is a football player because he scores amazing goals and he helps his team win trophies.
4. Young people are usually so because they take so much risk and do not care about consiquences.
5. Although this film is very famous, it is based on an story. It's not real.
6. My friend is not a person because he does not have friends at school.
7. My brother is a very boy because he wants to become a pilot in the future.
8. You must be with me. I don't like people who lie a lot.
9. We have to be in our life and always see the bright side of side.
10. My friend is a such a person because he never lets me down whenever I need his help.
Functions Exercise One: Opinion: Agreeing and Disageeing
What the function of each expression in a different color?

1. As far as I am concerned, young people have become so careless about their education: .
2. I am sorry to say this, but you are wrong. Social media is not the only reason why students don't get good grades: .
3. What do you think is the best way to learn English language?: .
4. It seems to me that parents nowadays give more feedom to their children. They spoil them: .
5. I share the same point of view childhood is the best period of our life: .
6. Ahmed: What's y your opinion about generation gap?: .
Ali: I think that it means the conflict between young people and of people.
Mother: I think that parents should spoil children at that young age. Do you agree?
7. I totally disagree with you because at that age, children should learn how to depend on themselves: .
Jack: I think that teenagers do not listen to their parents' advice anymore.
8. That's exactly how I see it they have become so stubbor: .
9. Jalal: To my mind, Facebook is one of the most effective means of communication: .
Jawad: You are right brother.
10. Teacher: Why do you think that students cheat one exams?: .
Student: As I see it, students cheat on exams because they don't understand their lessons well.

Functions Exercise Two: Opinion: Agreeing and Disageeing
Gifts of Youth Vocabualry
I. What would you say in the following situations?
Ali: I think that poverty is the main reason why students drop out of school nowadays.
Ahmed: Do you think that students become independent when they go to university?
Jamal: In your opinion, why do teenagers sleep less nowadays?
Thomas: I think that young people no longer take part in voluntary work nowadays.
Jessy: Do you believe that Juvenile delinquency is the result of parents' divorce?
Tim: Personally speaking the rate of road accidents among young people is due to the use of cell phones while driving.
Steeve: What do you think about romantic relationships between teenagers at school?
Khalid: I strongly believe that young people should stay away from social media websites.
Amine: Why do you think that young people consume fast food so much?
Tony: I believe that many teenagers are so addicted to the Internet.

Grammar Exercise One: Gerund and Infinitive
Gerund and Infinitive: (to + verb) or (verb + ing) or (verb)
Put the verbs between brackets in the correct form (Gerund and Infinitive).
1. You have stomachache. You should (see) a doctor soon.
2. Although the teacker asked students to be silent, they kept on (talk) for a long time.
3. This exercise is not very difficult (do). I just need some time.
4. I used to (live) in Marrakesh for a long time.
5. I don't mind (work) at night this weekend. Just tell me how many hours.
6. We are looking forward to (meet) you next summer holiday.
7. We decided (move) to another city because the weather her is very hot.
8. I would like (join) you in that conference, but I don't have much time this week.
9. My little brother is really good at (play) the piano. He is so talented.
10. The criminal finally admitted (steal) money from the bank.
Grammar Exercise Two: Gerund and Infinitice
Gerund and Infinitive: (to + verb) or (verb + ing) or (verb)
Choose the correct form of the verbs between brackets.
1. Would you mind (call) the boss after the meeting.
2. My friend enjoys (listen) to English music.
3. Yesterday,I was driving home and on my way, I stopped (smoke) a cigarette.
4. I will wait for you, but please, don't forget (call) me when you get home.
5. I am looking forward to (drvie) the new car my father bought me from USA.
6. The doctor advised me to avoid (eat) fast food because I am having stomachache these days.
7. Although she woke up very late, she managed (catch) the train to work on time.
8. I really want (buy) this computer, but I dont have enough cash on me.
9. Despite the fact that I read the instructions, I still don't know how (activate) this phone.
10. Many people were worried about (lose) their jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Reading Exercise One: Qualities of Young people
Leonel Messi: A Football Legend
I. Put the words between brackets in the correct form:
Professional football player Lionel Messi was born on June 24th, 1987 in Rosario, Argentina. He started football at the age of 8, playing for the Newell's Old Boys - a team in his native town .
As a kid, Messi was smaller than most of the boys he played with. He was suffering from hormone deficiency that restricted his growth. Medication was costly and Messi's parents couldn't pay for it. At the age of 13, Messi was offered an opportunity to play with Barcelona and have medical bills paid by the team. So, the whole family moved across the Atlantic to Spain.
Messi was famous for being short and rapid with a fierce style of play. He was soon compared to another well-known Argentinean footballer: Diego Maradona. Messi moved quickly through the ranks of the team's junior system, and by the age of 16, he had made his first appearance for Barcelona. He put himself in the record books on May 1st, 2005 as the youngest player to ever Score a goal. That same year, he led Argentina to the title in the under-20 World Cup.
In recent years, Messi has become one of the highest paid football players, earning an estimated 18 million dollars a year. He has justified that he is worth that price by leading Barcelona to a lot of success; his team won the Champions League, La Liga, and Spanish Club titles in 2009. That same year, he took home the FIFA world player of the year award.
Even Maradona, the renowned retired player, has praised Messi. "I see him as very similar to me." he told the BBC. "He's a leader. He is offering lessons in beautiful footbal. He has something different from any other player in the world"
Messi became the first player to score five goals in a Champions League match in early match. By the end of 2012, he had scored 91 goals in club and international matches. Therefore, he broke one more record. In January 2013, Messi was named Ballon d'Or winner for the fourth time.

Comprehension Questions: 15 Points
1. What is the the text about?
The text is about:

2. Choose the correct answer?
A. Why did Messi's famiy move to Spain?

B. How much monye does Messi earn each year?

C. What did Messi achieve in 2021?

3. Complete the following sentences from the text.
A. The first team Messi played for was
B. Maradona thinks that Messi

4. Fill in the blanks with the correct dates from the text.
A. In Messi put himself in the record of books.
B. In Messi won the FIFA world player of the year.
C. In Messi won the Ballon d'Or for the fourth time.

5. Find in the text words or expressions which mean almost the same as.
A. Expensive (Paragraph 2):
B. Fast (Paragraph 3)
c. Famous (Paragraph 5)

6. What the colored words in the text refer to?
A. Native twon:
B. Himself:
C. His team:

Writing Exercise One: Descriptive Paragraph
Writing: Descriptive Paragraph
Translate the words in a different color into English.
Tom is my best friend. I Think that he is really a (عبقري) . When he joined our school, all the other students avoided him. However, later on, everybody wanted to keep compnay with him. What is his secret? First of all, my friend is an (ذكي) .He can solve mathematical equations faster than all the other students. Besides, he can memorize things better than everyone. As a result he always get the best marks in his (إمتحانات) . Furthermore, my friend is (إجتماعي) because he can make friends with anyone easily. Although my friend is (قصير القامة) he is very gifted in basketball. He can also play football very well. Physicall, my friend had a (دائري) face and (سوداء) eyes. He also has short black (شعر) . Regarding clothes, he always (يرتدي) and (أنيقة) clothes like jeans, stylish t-shirts and hats. In brief, my friend is such an (متفائل) boy and all people who know him think that he has the qualities of a genius boy.

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