English With Simo

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للتسجيل في عرض دروس الثانية بكالوريا 📚 بثمن رمزي 💰 500 درهم فقط للموسم الكامل ⭐ تواصل معنا عبر واتساب هنا 📲📲 وسنتواصل معك 🤝 مرحبا بك في مجموعتنا الخاصة 👥

Unit Five: Women and Power

الوحدة الخامسة من دروس مستوى الثانية بكالوريا

الدروس المهارات عنوان الدرس فيديو شرح الدرس (مجاني) وثيقة التمارين (مدفوع) فيديو التصحيح (مدفوع)
الدرس الأول درس المعجم معجم المرأة و القوة إفتح الملف هنا إفتح الملف هنا إفتح الملف هنا
الدرس الثاني درس التواصل الإضافة و الإستدراك إفتح الملف هنا إفتح الملف هنا إفتح الملف هنا
الدرس الثاني درس التواصل الإضافة و الإستدراك إفتح الملف هنا إفتح الملف هنا إفتح الملف هنا
الدرس الثالث درس القواعد المبني للمجهول إفتح الملف هنا إفتح الملف هنا إفتح الملف هنا
الدرس الرابع درس القراءة القراءة و الفهم إفتح الملف هنا إفتح الملف هنا إفتح الملف هنا
الدرس الخامس درس الإنشاء مراجعة فيلم و كتاب إفتح الملف هنا إفتح الملف هنا إفتح الملف هنا
الإمتحان تقويم الوحدة تقويم الوحدة إفتح الملف هنا إفتح الملف هنا إفتح الملف هنا

تحميل وثيقة الملخص الشامل للوحدة

تصفح الوحدات الأخرى

Interactive Exercises List

تمارين تفاعلية مختلفة في جميع دروس الوحدة الأولى

Vocabulary Exercise One: Women and Power
Vocabulary: Women and Power
I. Choose the correct modal to complete the sentences below
2. Violence
3. Feminism
4. Self-confidence
5. Emancipation
6. Polygamy
7. Gender
8. Women's day

II. Find the noun of the following words.
Noun Word Noun Word
organize differ
govern dominate
feminine ignore
united globalize
resist active
inferior criticise
equal participate
responsible confer
manage independent
improve imagine

Vocabulary Exercise Two: Women and Power
Vocabulary Exercise: Women and Power
I. Put the words in brackets in the correct form:
1. Women are (success) in different domains of life nowadays.
2. My wife is working in a school. So, she is (independence) .
3. The king: “women are (freedom) to express their opinion”
4. Angela Merkel has made Germany a (power) country.
5. Morocco got a loan from the World Bank in order to solve (economy) issues.
6. Many girls in rural areas are (illiteracy) because they drop out of school at an early age.
7. Nowadays a man must not have another wife without his first wife’s (approve) .
8. Associations of women in Morocco fight for (equal) between men and women in everything.
9. Many girls are subject to sexual (harass) in Morocco.
10. I think that some jobs may be (harm) for women to take.

Vocabulary Exercise Three: Women and Power
Vocabulary Exercise: Women and Power
I. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the list below:
Family code | self-confidence | credits | care | feminism | polygamy | stereotypes | opportunities | approval | violence
1) The movements of started in United States in 1848.
2) Nowadays, the husband cannot get married without his first wife’s .
3) Women in the past were subject to and discrimination in many societies.
4) Negative are among the major factors helped consider women inferior to men in the past.
5) According to the Moroccan girls should not get married before the age of 18 years.
6) Fighting illiteracy helps women gain so much and courage.
7) In the past was practiced because one man can marry more one woman.
8) Doctors are not very optimistic about the health system in Morocco.
9) The national bank will provide micro to rural women to start their own businesses.
10) Owing to lack of job many girls resort to online businesses in Morocco.

Functions Exercise One: Expressing Addition and Concession
Language Functions: Expressing Addition and Concession
I. What do the following sentences express?
Sentences Functions
1. Women take care of their children. Besides, they work outside the house
2. My friend revised his lessons very well, but he got a very bad mark in the exam
3. Despite revising his lessons very well, my friend got a very bad mark in the exam
4. Donald Trump was the president of U.S.A. In addition, he is a successful businessman
5. Students in rural areas go to school every day. They help their parents in the fields too.
6. Although my friend revised his lessons very well, he got a very bad mark in the exam.
7. Despite the fact that my friend revised his lessons very well, he got a very bad mark in the exam
8. Along with working in a big company, Mr. Mike is the head of an association in town
9. Educated women do not only take care of their houses, but also work outside to help the family
10. Mr. Ahmed is very rich. However, he does not buy his children their school necessities

Functions Exercise Two: Expressing Addition and Concession
Language Functions: Expressing Addition and Concession
I. Choose the correct linking words to complete the following sentences:
1. Women have gained all their rights They attained remarkable achievements in different sectors.
2. managing his company, Mr. Smith works a freelance designer on the internet.
3. Nabila Mounib is a famous Moroccan politician, a renowned feminist.
4. In order to achieve development, we need to fight illiteracy We should raise the awareness of people.
5. writing an article every week, the author of this book publishes one book every year.
6. My friend prepared well for his exam he didn’t pass for some reason.
7. My friend is from a very poor family, He is the best student at school this year.
8. The new family code gave women all their rights, Some women’s rights are still violated.
9. working in two different big companies, Mr. Alex always has financial difficulties.
10. Moroccan youths immigrate every year the fact that the ministry promised to create more job opportunities.

Functions Exercise Three: Expressing Addition and Concession
Language Functions: Expressing Addition and Concession
I. Fill in the gaps with the correct words from the list below:
However | Although | Despite | In spite of | But | Yet | Even though | Along with | Too | As well | As well as | Besides | In addition | Furthermore | Moreover
1. Jack works in a company. he prepares for his BAC exam daily.
2. Educated women have a big influence on society. They contribute to the welfare of their families.
3. helping her mother with house work, Jasmine works in a shop to make some money.
4. Mr. Simo is a teacher of English language. He is a web-developer .
5. Al-Amana association does provide micro-credits to people, offer the services of money transfer.
6. My friend woke up early, he didn't arrive to work on time.
7. His father advised him not to buy a motorbike, he didn't listen to her advice.
8. My friend failed his final exam he prepared for it very well/
9. Some African countries are still underdeveloped making a great effort.
10. Mr. Ahmed is unemployed he has many good diplomas.

Grammar Exercise One: The Passive Voice
Grammar: Active Voice and Passive Voice
I. Choose the correct passive form of the verbs in blue:
Tenses I He + She + It You + We + They
Simple Present
Simple Past
Simple Future
Present Continuous
Past Continuous
Present Perfect
Past Perfect
Future Perfect
Should have

II. Find the simple past and past form of the following verbs:
Infinitive Past Form Past Participle
Cook Cooked Cooked
Go Went Gone

Grammar Exercise Two: The Passive Voice
Grammar: Active and Passive Voice
I. Fill in the blanks with the passive form of each verb:
تذكر دائما أنه لتحويل الجملة من المبني للمعلوم إلى المبني للمجهول، نضع فعل الكون في زمن الفعل الأصلى و بعده نضع الفعل الرئيسي في صيغة إسم مفعول.

Tenses Active Voice Passive Voice
Simple Present My mother cooks pizza for lunch. Pizza for lunch by my mother.
Simple Past My mother cooked pizza for lunch. Pizza for lunch by my mother.
Simple Future My mother will cook pizza for lunch. Pizza for lunch by my mother.
Present Continuous My mother is cooking pizza for lunch. Pizza for lunch by my mother.
Past Continuous My mother was cooking pizza for lunch. Pizza for lunch by my mother.
Present Perfect My mother has cooked pizza for lunch. Pizza for lunch by my mother.
Past Perfect My mother had cooked pizza for lunch. Pizza for lunch by my mother.
Future Perfect My mother will have cooked pizza for lunch. Pizza for lunch by my mother.
Can My mother can cook pizza for lunch. Pizza for lunch by my mother.
Should My mother should cook pizza for lunch. Pizza for lunch by my mother.
should have My mother should have cooked pizza for lunch. Pizza for lunch by my mother.
Must have My mother must have cooked pizza for lunch. Pizza for lunch by my mother.

Grammar Exercise Three: The Passive Voice
Grammar: Active Voice and Passive Voice
I. Choose the correct passive form of the verbs in blue:
Tenses of Verbs Active Voice to Passive Voice
Simple Present 1. The teacher explains the lesson to the students at school.
The lesson to the students by the teacher.
2. The teacher explains the lessons to the students at school.
The lessons to the students by the teacher.
Simple Past 1. The teacher explained the lesson to the students at school.
The lesson to the students by the teacher.
2. The teacher explained the lessons to the students at school.
The lessons to the students by the teacher.
Simple Future 1. The teacher will explain the lesson to the students at school.
The lesson to the students by the teacher.
2. The teacher will explain the lessons to the students at school.
The lessons to the students by the teacher.
Present Continuous 1. The teacher is explaining the lesson to the students at school.
The lesson to the students by the teacher.
2. The teacher is explaining the lessons to the students at school.
The lessons to the students by the teacher.
Past continuous 1. The teacher was explaining the lesson to the students at school.
The lesson to the students by the teacher.
2. The teacher was explaining the lessons to the students at school.
The lessons to the students by the teacher.
Present Perfect 1. The teacher has explained the lesson to his students.
The lesson to the students by the teacher.
2. The teacher has explained the lessons to his students.
The lessons to the students by the teacher.
Past Perfect 1. The teacher had explained the lesson to his students.
The lesson to the students by the teacher.
2. The teacher had explained the lessons to his students.
The lessons to the students by the teacher.
Future Perfect 1. The teacher will have explained the lesson to his students.
The lesson to the students by the teacher.
2. The teacher will have explained the lessons to his students.
The lessons to the students by the teacher.
Simple Modals 1. The teacher can explain the lessons to his students.
The lesson to the students by the teacher.
2. The teacher should explain the lessons to his students.
The lesson to the students by the teacher.
3. The teacher may explain the lessons to his students.
The lesson to the students by the teacher.
4. The teacher is going to explain the lesson to his students.
The lesson to the students by the teacher.
5. The teacher is going to explain the lessons to his students.
The lessons to the students by the teacher.
Perfect Modals 1. The teacher should have explained the lesson to the students.
The lesson to the students by the teacher.
2. The teacher could have explained the lesson to the students.
The lesson to the students by the teacher.
3. The teacher must have explained the lesson the students.
The lesson to the students by the teacher.

Grammar Exercise Four: The Passive Voice in National Exams
Grammar: Active and Passive Voice
I. Fill in the blanks with the passive form of each verb:
تذكر دائما أنه لتحويل الجملة من المبني للمعلوم إلى المبني للمجهول، نضع فعل الكون في زمن الفعل الأصلى و بعده نضع الفعل الرئيسي في صيغة إسم مفعول.

1. Scientists discover new species of insects every year.
➖ New species of insects by scientists every year.
2. This school offers students interesting activities.
➖ Students interesting activities.
3. They have invited many African ministers to this conference.
➖ Many African ministers to this conference.
4. The world banks financed many projects in Africa.
➖ Many projects by the world bank in Africa.
5. The secretary arranged the documents on the shelves.
➖ The documents on the shelves by the secretary.
6. The school club organized an interesting environmental campaign.
➖ An interesting environmental campaign by the school club.
7. They cancelled the party because of the rain.
➖ The party because of the rain.
8. They will equip highways with sophisticated cameras.
➖ Highways with sophisticated cameras.
9. The supermarket offers interesting discounts to new customers.
➖ Interesting discounts to new customers by the supermarket.
10. Our school collected donations for a charity association.
➖ Donations for a charity association by our school.
11. With this software, you can transform pictures into animations.
➖ With this software, pictures into animations.
12. Football referees will use video technology in the next world cup.
➖ Video technology in the next world cup by football referees.
13. Students will complete the first module in three weeks’ time.
➖ The first module in three weeks’ time by students.
14. Many schools have installed surveillance cameras.
➖ Surveillance cameras by many schools.
15. They elect a new president every year.
➖ A new president every year.
16. Robert edited the magazine in two days only.
➖ The magazine in two days only by Robert.
17. You should follow the instructions carefully.
➖ The instructions carefully.
18. Ahmed Sefrioui wrote “the box of wonders” in 1954.
➖ “The box of wonders” in 1954 by Ahmed Sefrioui.
19. In this hotel, they serve breakfast at 7:00 am every morning.
➖ In this hotel, breakfast at 7:00 am every morning.
20. Schools should give music lessons to children.
➖ Music lessons to children by schools.
21. Because of bad weather, the airport authorities cancelled all flights.
➖ Because of bad weather, all flights by the airport authorities.
22. In our association, we give priority to disabled people.
➖ In our association, priority to disable people.
23. The government has taken new measures for the benefit of illegal immigrants.
➖ New measures by the government for the benefit of illegal immigrants.
24. They will build a new theatre in Rabat.
➖ A new theatre in Rabat.
25. The government offered financial assistance to small businesses.
➖ Financial assistance to small businesses by the government.
26. Heavy rain has destroyed many roads in the south of Morocco.
➖ Many roads in the south of Morocco by heavy rain.
27. The teacher gave students an hour to do the test.
➖ An hour to students to do the test.

Reading Exercise One: Reading Comprehension
Reading Comprehenion: Women and Power
I. Read the text and do the exercises below:
[1] Malala Yousafzai has been fighting all her life for girls' rights to an education. Born in 1997, Malala lived in an area in Pakistan under control by the Taliban. The Taliban believed that only boys should go to school.
[2] At the age of 11, Malala started a blog about her life at school. She wrote that fewer and fewer girls were coming to school because they feared the Taliban. Eventually, the Taliban completely banned girls from going to school and closed all girls’ schools.
[3] Both Malala and her father continued to speak out against the Taliban. In 2012, when Malala was 15, the Taliban tried to kill her. She was injured very badly by a gunshot and went to Britain for medical treatment.
[4] By this time Malala had the attention of the whole world. In 2013, only one year after the attempt on her life, Malala gave a speech at the United Nations. She talked about human rights and the right to education for all.
[5] In that same year, she helped write the book, I am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban. Unfortunately, the book was banned in many Pakistani schools.
[6] The following year, in 2014, Malala won the Nobel Peace Prize. At the age of 17, she became the youngest person ever to win that honour.
[7] Malala continues to work for women’s rights and non-violent protest. She inspires girls around the world to be brave and speak out for what they believe.

Reading Comprehension Exercises
I. Are the following sentences true or false? Justify?
1. Taliban think that both boys and girls should go to school: .
2. Malala went to Britain to complete her education: .
3.Malala motivates many young girls in the world to speak of their rights: .
II. Answer these questions from the text:
1. Where was Malala born?
2. Why did Taliban close girl’s school?
3. What did Malala write in her first blog?
4. Why did Taliban try to kill Malala?
III. Complete the following chart:
Years Events
1997 🔵
2012 🔵
2013 🔵
2014 🔵
IV. What the underlined words in the text refer to?
1. Her (Paragraph 2):
2. That honor (Paragraph 6):
3. They (Paragraph 7):
V. Find in the text words or expressions which mean the same as:
1. Prohibited (Paragraph 2):
2. Motivates (Paragraph 7):

Writing Exercise One: Writing a Book or Film Review
Writing: Report On A Seminar
I. Translate the words in the box into English.
In my free time, I like movies. I love all of movies American, Indian and Moroccan movie. I more than 100 films. However, the movie I watched was “Shawshank Redemption”. It is a drama and mystery movie directed by Frank Darabont who is a Hungarian-American film director. This movie in 1994. The film the story of a man named Andy. He is accused of killing and her lover although he did not that . He is sentenced to life in Shawshank prison. However, because Andy believes that he did not murder his wife and her lover, he to escape from . Finally, he gets his . To be honest, this movie is to say the least. The are so and entertaining. Besides, it teaches amazing about friendship, , dedication, perseverance and .

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