الوحدة السادسة من دروس مستوى الثانية بكالوريا
الدروس | المهارات | عنوان الدرس | فيديو شرح الدرس (مجاني) | وثيقة التمارين (مدفوع) | فيديو التصحيح (مدفوع) |
الدرس الأول | درس المعجم | معجم القيم الثقافية | إفتح الملف هنا | إفتح الملف هنا | إفتح الملف هنا |
الدرس الثاني | درس التواصل | الشكوى و الإعتذار | إفتح الملف هنا | إفتح الملف هنا | إفتح الملف هنا |
الدرس الثاني | درس التواصل | عبارات التعريف | إفتح الملف هنا | إفتح الملف هنا | إفتح الملف هنا |
الدرس الثالث | درس القواعد | الأفعال المركبة | إفتح الملف هنا | إفتح الملف هنا | إفتح الملف هنا |
الدرس الرابع | درس القراءة | القراءة و الفهم | إفتح الملف هنا | إفتح الملف هنا | إفتح الملف هنا |
الدرس الخامس | درس الإنشاء | كتابة إيمايل شخصي | إفتح الملف هنا | إفتح الملف هنا | إفتح الملف هنا |
الإمتحان | تقويم الوحدة | تقويم الوحدة | إفتح الملف هنا | إفتح الملف هنا | إفتح الملف هنا |
تحميل وثيقة الملخص الشامل للوحدة
تصفح الوحدات الأخرى
تمارين تفاعلية مختلفة في جميع دروس الوحدة الأولى
Vocabulary Exercise One: Cultural Values and Issues
Vocabulary Exercise: Cultural Values and Issues
I. Translate the following vocabulary into English language:
Vocabulary | Translation | Vocabulary | Translation |
الثقافة | القيم | ||
الإحترام | التسامح | ||
المساواة | الإنصاف | ||
العدالة | اللغة | ||
الدين | التقاليد | ||
العادات | الطقوس | ||
التسامح | التعصب | ||
التعايش | المسؤولية | ||
اللامسؤولية | المواطنة | ||
الكرم | السخاء | ||
التعاون | الصراع | ||
السلام | الحرية | ||
الشراكة | الإيثار | ||
الثقة | التنوع | ||
الإختلاف | الكراهية | ||
الأمن | الأخلاق |
I. Find the adjectives of the following nouns:
Noun | Adjective | Noun | Adjective |
Culture | Tradition | ||
Value | Diversity | ||
Hospitality | Generosity | ||
Respect | Cooperation | ||
Responsibility | Difference | ||
Racism | Tolerance | ||
Equality | Morality | ||
Offense | Universe | ||
Activity | Education | ||
Religion | Politeness |
Vocabulary Exercise Two: Cultural Values
Vocabulary Exercise: Cultural Values and Issues
I. Put the words between brackets in the correct form:
1. In Morocco, men and women wear (tradition) clothes in wedding celebrations.
2. Moroccan people are very (hospitality) because they would invite strangers to their homes to share food.
3. Cooexistence is the ability to accept (difference) religions, customs and beliefs.
4. African Americans claim that white people in USA are very (racism).
5. Nowadays, Moroccans are no longer (interest) in celebrating traditional events like "moussem".
6. Morocco is known for its cultural (diverse) because there are different cultures in the country.
7. "Mawazine" is a very well-known (culture) celebration in Morocco.
8. This campain aims at promoting (tolerant) between nations.
9. This man is very (generosity) because he donated so much money to our association.
10. Peace, love and tolerance are example of (universe) values that we should promote.
2. Moroccan people are very (hospitality) because they would invite strangers to their homes to share food.
3. Cooexistence is the ability to accept (difference) religions, customs and beliefs.
4. African Americans claim that white people in USA are very (racism).
5. Nowadays, Moroccans are no longer (interest) in celebrating traditional events like "moussem".
6. Morocco is known for its cultural (diverse) because there are different cultures in the country.
7. "Mawazine" is a very well-known (culture) celebration in Morocco.
8. This campain aims at promoting (tolerant) between nations.
9. This man is very (generosity) because he donated so much money to our association.
10. Peace, love and tolerance are example of (universe) values that we should promote.
Vocabulary Exercise Three: Cultural Values and Cultural Issues
Vocabulary Exercise: Cultural Values and Issues
I. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the list below:
shock | good | diversity | rituals | obligation | stereotypes | racism | co-existence | successful | partnership | universal
1. Students are doing this voluntary work (عمل تطوعي) for the common of their community.
2. Morocco signed (وقع) a business with many African countries.
3. Respecting and loving others is a moral that we should all have towards other people.
4. Putting Henna (الحناء) in hands and feet is one of the most popular wedding in Moroccan culture.
5. Misunderstanding (سوء الفهم) between cultures usually results in culture .
6. Morocco is known for (معروف ب) it's cultural because there are multiple cultures within the country.
7. European people have very negative about Moroccan people like the misconception that Moroccans drink so much tea.
8. Peace (السلام) love (الحب) and tolerance (التسامح) are examples of values that we should promote in our country.
9. Elon Musk is one of the most businessmen in the world.
10. The main cause of this conflict (الصراع) is the absence of between nations.
Client: Excuse me!
Waiter: Yes sir, what can I do for you?
Client: I am sorry to say this, but I ordered orange juice not apple juice.
Waiter: Sorry sir, let me change your order.
Client: Thank you.
Father: Hi. can I have a word with you?
Neighbor: Yeah, how can I help you?
Father: I've been patient long enough, but this is the third time your children broke the window of my car while playing outside.
Neighbor: I am awfully sorry about it. I will fix it for you.
Father: It's okay.
2. Moroccan people are intolerant: .
3. Moroccans work together to help each other: .
4. Moroccans respect time and appointments a lot: .
2. Why do tourists love visiting Morocco?
3. Why is it so important to promote cultural values?
2. Those (Paragraph 2):
2. Collaborative (Paragraph 2):
3. Outsiders (Paragraph 3):
2. Morocco signed (وقع) a business with many African countries.
3. Respecting and loving others is a moral that we should all have towards other people.
4. Putting Henna (الحناء) in hands and feet is one of the most popular wedding in Moroccan culture.
5. Misunderstanding (سوء الفهم) between cultures usually results in culture .
6. Morocco is known for (معروف ب) it's cultural because there are multiple cultures within the country.
7. European people have very negative about Moroccan people like the misconception that Moroccans drink so much tea.
8. Peace (السلام) love (الحب) and tolerance (التسامح) are examples of values that we should promote in our country.
9. Elon Musk is one of the most businessmen in the world.
10. The main cause of this conflict (الصراع) is the absence of between nations.
Functions Exercise One: Complaining and Apologizing
Language Functions: Complaining and Apologizing
I. Study the following dialogues and do the task below:

Waiter: Yes sir, what can I do for you?
Client: I am sorry to say this, but I ordered orange juice not apple juice.
Waiter: Sorry sir, let me change your order.
Client: Thank you.

Neighbor: Yeah, how can I help you?
Father: I've been patient long enough, but this is the third time your children broke the window of my car while playing outside.
Neighbor: I am awfully sorry about it. I will fix it for you.
Father: It's okay.
Expressions | Functions |
A. I am awfully sorry for not bringing you your textbook. | |
B. I am sorry to say this, but you're always late to work | |
C. I see what you mean, but I don't think you are right. | |
D. Students use mobile dictionaries in order to look up difficult words. | |
E. Although he came from poor backgrounds, he became a successful businessman. | |
F. I share the same view on that idea. | |
G. Hamid didn't go to school because he was very sick. | |
H. Can you clarify that idea more please? | |
I. Jamal had been unemployed for many years. That's why he emigrated to UK. | |
J. I am not sure I got your point. | |
K. I believe that students should give priority to learning languages. |
Functions Exercise Two: Complaining and Apologizing
Language Functions: Complaining and Apologizing
I. Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks below:
Dialogue One:
A: your latest delivery. It arrived three days late again ...
B: . I'm afraid our driver was delayed at the border.
A: Well, this is about the tenth time that this has happened this year and we are not satisfied. If this problem is not resolved, we will have to consider changing supplier.
B: . Leave it with me. I will look into the matter and do what I can to make sure it doesn't happen again.
A: Thank you. I really hope we can sort this out.
Dialogue Two:
A: Hello Jane. I'm calling because our order.
B: Oh, what seems to be the problem? Didn't you receive all the goods you ordered?
A: Well, we received everything, but some of the goods are damaged.
B: . In what way are they damaged?
A: Well, the casing on some of the television sets seems to be cracked.
B: Oh, . This has never happened before. It must be due to bad handling. If you send us back the damaged sets, we'll send you replacements immediately and give you a discount on your next order.
A: .
B: for any inconvenience caused. If you have any more problems, .
Dialogue Three:
A: Hello, John. a mistake on our invoice. It looks like you have overcharged us by 50 pounds.
B: . Our Account's Department must have made a small mistake when they processed your order. We'll issue a corrected invoice immediately.
A: I tell you what. Could you just subtract the extra amount from the next invoice?
B: Certainly. for the mistake.
A: . Have a nice day.
Dialogue Four:
A: Can I have a word with the manager, please?
B: Yes, that's me. ?
A: Well, the lack of customer service here. I just can't find anyone to help me choose a laptop.
B: Yes, . We are rather short-staffed at the moment. Please wait here and I'll find someone to help you.
A: your latest delivery. It arrived three days late again ...
B: . I'm afraid our driver was delayed at the border.
A: Well, this is about the tenth time that this has happened this year and we are not satisfied. If this problem is not resolved, we will have to consider changing supplier.
B: . Leave it with me. I will look into the matter and do what I can to make sure it doesn't happen again.
A: Thank you. I really hope we can sort this out.
Dialogue Two:
A: Hello Jane. I'm calling because our order.
B: Oh, what seems to be the problem? Didn't you receive all the goods you ordered?
A: Well, we received everything, but some of the goods are damaged.
B: . In what way are they damaged?
A: Well, the casing on some of the television sets seems to be cracked.
B: Oh, . This has never happened before. It must be due to bad handling. If you send us back the damaged sets, we'll send you replacements immediately and give you a discount on your next order.
A: .
B: for any inconvenience caused. If you have any more problems, .
Dialogue Three:
A: Hello, John. a mistake on our invoice. It looks like you have overcharged us by 50 pounds.
B: . Our Account's Department must have made a small mistake when they processed your order. We'll issue a corrected invoice immediately.
A: I tell you what. Could you just subtract the extra amount from the next invoice?
B: Certainly. for the mistake.
A: . Have a nice day.
Dialogue Four:
A: Can I have a word with the manager, please?
B: Yes, that's me. ?
A: Well, the lack of customer service here. I just can't find anyone to help me choose a laptop.
B: Yes, . We are rather short-staffed at the moment. Please wait here and I'll find someone to help you.
Functions Exercise Three: Complaining ana Apologizing
Language Functions: Complaining and Apologizing
I. Put the following dialogues in the correct order:
I. Put the following dialogues in the correct order:

Grammar Exercise One: Phrasal Verbs
Grammar: Phrasal Verbs
I. Write the English translation of these phrasal verbs:
الفعل المركب | English | الفعل المركب | English | الفعل المركب | English | الفعل المركب | English |
طلب | إسترجع | أحدث | تعطل | ||||
قلص من | إنفصل عن | إلتقى ب | دخل فندق | ||||
غادر فندق | دخل | أعاد فعل | أملأ | ||||
إكتشف | مر عبر | إستيقض | نهض | ||||
سلم | إنتظر | كتب | بحث في المعجم | ||||
بحث عن | إعتنى ب | إعتنى ب | إعتنى ب | ||||
سجل الدخول | سجل الخروج | إختلق | إقتحم | ||||
تعلم بسرعة | تحمل | أخد | إرتدى | ||||
نزع | مات | أجل | ألغى | ||||
إلتقى | أسس | يعني | رفض | ||||
أقلع | توقف عن | بدأ هواية | ربى طفل | ||||
عاد | إستمر | إكتشف | إكتشف | ||||
نمى | هرب | ضهر | تباهى |
I. Choose the correct phrasal verbs to complete these sentences:
1. You should a job if you want to make some money.
2. My father's cars very often that's why we won't be able to use it.
3. I can't my Facebook account because I forgot my password.
4. Students difficult words in a dictionary when they read a text.
5. I need someone to of my little son when I travel abroad.
6. The teacher decided to the exam because students didn't revise the lessons.
7. I advise you to smoking and start a new hobby.
8. My father went to America last year. He will next month.
9. You should your jacket because it's very cold outside.
10. The plane to London will tomorrow at 8:00 am.
2. My father's cars very often that's why we won't be able to use it.
3. I can't my Facebook account because I forgot my password.
4. Students difficult words in a dictionary when they read a text.
5. I need someone to of my little son when I travel abroad.
6. The teacher decided to the exam because students didn't revise the lessons.
7. I advise you to smoking and start a new hobby.
8. My father went to America last year. He will next month.
9. You should your jacket because it's very cold outside.
10. The plane to London will tomorrow at 8:00 am.
Grammar Exercise Two: Phrasal Verbs
Grammar: Phrasal Verbs
I. Fill in the blanks with the correct phrasal verb from the list give:
1. I think that you should another job if you are not making enough money here.
apply for | take up | look up | bring up
2. You need to change your password to your Facebook account.log out | stand for | check in | log in
3. The mother is doing everything in her power to her little baby.bring about | bring up | cut down | give up
4. I really need to my son’s marks are very low at school.show up | break into | look for | find out
5. You can the American accent if you stay in America for a few months.take off | come across | pick up | set up
6. The school bus that’s why many students did not come to school yesterday.broke down | broke up | broke into | broke in
7. My father smoking so many years ago.found out | gace up | took up | checked in
8. The consulate why my visa application because I didn’t have enough money in my account.applied for | came across | turned down | made up
9. The thieves my neighbor’s house and stole the TV and some money.broke up | broke into | broke down | logged in
10. Poverty and unemployment social instability in many countries.find out | go through | bring about | bring up
11. Some students excuses to justify their absence.make up | jot down | go over | apply for
12. While I was wandering in Jamaa Elfnaa, I my best friend near the café.turn down | cut down | came across | filled in
13. You should always your lessons before you sit for the exam.break in | dress up | go over | bring about
14. Some activists are planning to an association in town to contribute to sustainable development.find out | put up with | care for | set up
15. Jasmine and her husband will divorce because they many issues in their relationship.went through | broke up | stood for | looked up
16. You should difficult words in the dictionary while reading English texts.look up | look for | log out | fill in
17. If you can’t smoking, just the number of cigarettes you smoke every day.take up | give up | check in | cut down
18. The plan to London will tomorrow at 7:00 from Marrakesh Airport.take up | put on | go over | take off
19. This initiative will certainly major changes to our community.bring about | bring up | check out | figure out
20. I could not send you a message because my phone last night.logged out | broke down | broke into | carried on
Grammar Exercise Three: Phrasal Verbs
Grammar: Phrasal Verbs
I. Write the phrasal verb that corresponds to the keywords:
Phrasal Verbs | Key Words |
to a place | |
from a place | |
problems + issues + experience + hard times | |
job + visa + scholarship + passport + internship + work | |
offer + job + visa + application + marriage proposal | |
baby + child + kid + old people + pets | |
baby + child + kid + old people + pets | |
baby + child + kids | |
facebook + gmail + websites | |
facebook + gmail + websites | |
hotels + hostels | |
hotels + hostels | |
a hobby + an activity + a new thing | |
smoking + drinking + fast food + bad habits | |
an excuse + a story + a lie | |
jacket + t-shirt + shoes + clothes | |
jacket + t-shirt + shoes + clothes | |
a plane | |
words in a dictionary | |
something you can't find: keys + people + objects | |
why + how + reason + the cause of | |
why + how + reason + the cause of | |
the rate of + the number of + doing something | |
information + notes + data + blanks + gaps | |
language + accent + new words | |
car + phone + computer + machines + devices | |
business + association + club + foundation + company | |
an old friend + teacher + people in a place | |
lessons + notes + information + papers | |
lessons + information + notes | |
a house + an office + a place | |
definitions + acronyms | |
problems + behavior + people | |
clothes | |
change + improvements + issues + phenomenon | |
doing something | |
a meeting + an event | |
with someone you are in a relationship with |
Reading Exercise One: Cultural Values and Issues
Reading Comprehenion: Cultural Values and Issues
I. Read the text and do the exercises below:
People around the world have different cultures. Each culture is unique and different because people around the world
have different religions, languages, traditions, customs, rituals and lifestyle. Besides, each group of people are known for their
cultural values and their cultural issues. For this reason, in this short article I will shed light on Moroccan cultural values and issues.
Morocco is a very beautiful country. People from different parts of the world visit Morocco every year. People who have visited the country say that Moroccan people are very hospitable. They invite strangers to their homes to share food or tea. In addition, Moroccans are tolerant people. They accept and respect other religions, traditions and customs. Moreover, Moroccans are very cooperative, especially those who live in the countryside.
However, just like any other part of the world, there are some cultural issues in Morocco. For instance, some Moroccans are racist. They do not get along with foreigners. Besides, others are irresponsible, especially when it comes to time and appointments. In other words, if you have an appointment with a Moroccan, you should not expect him/her to be punctual.
In brief, the world is a very big place. Therefore, people who live in a certain place have their own cultural values. However, everyone should promote their cultural values and condemn cultural issues. In this way, we will live in peace and harmony.
Morocco is a very beautiful country. People from different parts of the world visit Morocco every year. People who have visited the country say that Moroccan people are very hospitable. They invite strangers to their homes to share food or tea. In addition, Moroccans are tolerant people. They accept and respect other religions, traditions and customs. Moreover, Moroccans are very cooperative, especially those who live in the countryside.
However, just like any other part of the world, there are some cultural issues in Morocco. For instance, some Moroccans are racist. They do not get along with foreigners. Besides, others are irresponsible, especially when it comes to time and appointments. In other words, if you have an appointment with a Moroccan, you should not expect him/her to be punctual.
In brief, the world is a very big place. Therefore, people who live in a certain place have their own cultural values. However, everyone should promote their cultural values and condemn cultural issues. In this way, we will live in peace and harmony.
Reading Comprehension Exercises
I. Are the following sentences true or false? Justify?
1. Cultures around the world are all the same: .Justification:
2. Moroccan people are intolerant: .
3. Moroccans work together to help each other: .
4. Moroccans respect time and appointments a lot: .
II. Answer these questions from the text:
1. Why is culture so unique?🔵
2. Why do tourists love visiting Morocco?
3. Why is it so important to promote cultural values?
III. Complete the following sentence from the text:
1. In order to live in peace and harmony, people
IV. What the underlined words in the text refer to?
1. They (Paragraph 2): 2. Those (Paragraph 2):
V. Find in the text words or expressions which mean the same as:
1. Focus on (Paragraph 1): 2. Collaborative (Paragraph 2):
3. Outsiders (Paragraph 3):
Writing: Writing and Informal E-mail
Writing: An Informal E-mail To A Friend
I. Translate the words into English language:
Dear My friend
Thank you for your e-mail. ? How is your family? you are all fine and happy and happy. I am really to know that you are coming to Morocco . Well, don’t be because I will give you all the you need about . Concerning (فيما يخص) , Moroccan people wash their hands before eating and they say ‘in the name of allah before they start eat. Besides, they serve food one plate and they eat with the right hand. After they finish the meal, they say ‘thanks to allah’ and they wash their hands. As for, , Moroccans shake hands and say ‘peace be upon you’. However, you should not shake hands with a women until she offers her hand first. In addition, people can kiss and hug their family and close friends. clothes, people in Morocco wear , conservative and clothes because the country is culturally diverse. But, it’s not very perfeferable to show too much of your body. In special days, women wear ‘kaftans’ and men wear ‘jellabas’. For accommodation, you can book in a or hostel. There are awesome hotels here. You can also a room, a house or an apartment. Moroccan people can host you to their house as well because they are very .
Take Care My Friend
English With Simo
تمارين تفاعلية إضافية
عرض الثانية بكالوريا مع الأستاذ السيمو
- جميع دروس الثانية بكالوريا. 👨🏫
- حصتان مباشرة في الأسبوع. 🔴
- ملفات و ملخصات الدروس. 📝
- حصص مكثفة للمراجعة قبل الإمتحان. 🎯
- مواكبة و توجيهات طوال الموسم. 💭
1000 درهم للسنة
إشترك الآن
فقط 500 درهم للسنة
⚡ عرض محدود - احجز مكانك الآن ⚡