الوحدة الثانية من دروس مستوى الثانية بكالوريا
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تصفح الوحدات الأخرى
تمارين تفاعلية مختلفة في جميع دروس الوحدة الأولى
Vocabulary Exercise One: Humor and Comedy
Humor and Comedy Vocabulary Exercise
I. Put the words between brackets in the correct form:
1. Hassan Elfed is one of the most (humor) Moroccan comedians.2. We could stop laughing because sitcom was very (fun). everybody enjoyed it.
3. Many people agree that money can not buy (happy). So, just be happy whenever you can.
4. The internet has become one of the main sources of (entertain) for many people.
5. I was not serious when I said I hate you, I was just (joke) with you.
6. This film is very (amusement). I am sure that you will enjoy it so much.
7. I was really (anxiety) before I got my exam results.
8. Many doctors claim that (laugh) is better than medicine.
9. I was really (loneliness) when my friends moved to another school.
10. In life, you go through hard time, but you should always be (optimism) about the future.
Vocabulary Exercise Two: Humor and Comedy
Humor and Comedy Vocabulary Exercise
I. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the list below:
smile | relieves | comedian | fun | jokes | performance | cartoon | kidding | laugh | stress
1. My friend is very cool and funny. He tells very funny to his classmates. 2. Basso is a very talented and well-known Moroccan . Everyone enjoys his shows.
3. If you feel bored at home, just go out and have with your friends.
4. Many people nowadays have problems of and anxiety.
4. The teacher warned students not to at each other if they give wrong answers in class.
4. My favourite childhood are Tom and Jerry series.
6. Are you serious or you are just with me. I am confused now.
7. Jamal participated in the show, but his was not very successful because he had stage fright.
9. Many psychologists claim that the is the shortest distance between people.
10. We should use humor at work because it work stress and anxiety and makes time pass quickly.
Functions Exercise One: Expressing Lack of Understanding and asking for clarification
Language Functions: Expressing Lack of Understanding and Asking for Clarification
I. Choose the correct function of each statements
1. I am sorry, I don't understand what you mean exactly: 2. What do you mean by ...?
3. I didn't your point.
4. Could you explain more please?
5. I am not quite following you.
6. Could you be more explicit please?
7. I am not sure I understand what you mean.
8. Would you elaborate on that more please?
9. Could you say that in a different way please?
10. I don't see what you're getting at exactly?
Functions Exercise Two: Expressing Lack of Understandig and Asking for Clarification
Language Functions: Expressing Lack of Understanding
I. Choose the correct function of each statements
Tom: In your opinion, why do students get low marks at school nowadays? Jack:
Grammar Exercise One: Simple Modals
Language Functions: Expressing Lack of Understanding
I. Choose the correct function of the modals between brackets:
1. I am very inteligent. I can speak many languages: 2. When I was a baby I could play the piano very well, but now I can't anymore:
3. Muslim people must pray five times every day and must fast in Ramadan as well:
4. My friend got an excellent mark in the exam. He must be very intelligent:
5. Yesterday, I didn't have Internet on my phone. Therefore, I had to go to cybercafe to send you a message:
6. Take your umbrella when you go out because it may rain this afternoon:
7. I am not sure yet! but if I have some time, I might come see you next weekend:
8.You are very sick today. You should go to the hospital and do a medical checkup:
9. Students ought to revise their lessons every day so that they can prepare for their exams well:
10. In Muslim countries, people can't enter the mosque with their shoes on:
11. We don't have any food in the kitchen today. We need to go shopping:
12. Today we have everything in the kitchen. We needn't go shopping:
13. Drivers mustn't move the car when the red light is on:
Grammar Exercise Two: Simple Modals
Language Functions: Expressing Lack of Understanding
I. Choose the correct modal to complete the sentences below
1. If you want to drive a car, you have a driving lisence.2. You are very sick today. You go to the hospital and see a doctor.
3. People cry, love, feel and think, but robots can't do that because they are just machines.
4. Muslim people eat during the day in Ramadan because it's against the religion.
5. If you see the red light when you drive a car, you stop your car and wait for the green light
6. Muslim people take their shoes off before they enter to mosque to show respect.
7. I am not so sure, but if I have time tomorroow, I come to your birthday party.
8. Students work hard and revise their lessons every day in order to pass their exams.
9. My brother is a talented at singing. He sing like a professional singer.
10. My neighbor bought a very expensive car. He be a very rich man. I am sure about it.
11. My brother will drive us to school this morning. So, you take your bicycle. It's not necessary.
12. Tony: Is that Tom who is standing over there?
12. Jack: No, he be Tom because Tom travelled to England yesterday morning.
13. If I had enough money, I buy this computer, but I unfortunately had no money now.
Grammar Exercise Three: Perfect Modals
Grammar Exercise: Perfect Modals (modals in the Past)
I. What is the function of the perfect modals in a different color?
1. it's too late now, you should have revised your lessons before, but you didn't: 2. Ronaldo could have stayed in Madrid for a long time, but he needed more money:
3. I don't know where my phone is. I may have left it at home this morning:
4. My friend has not arrived yet. He might have taken the wrong train:
5. Thomas, my schoolmate, got an excellent mark in the final exam. He must have revised his lessons very well:
6. You should have submitted your CV a long time ago. They can't accept you now:
7. He passed away last year. Many people think that he may have died of cancer because he was a heavy smoker, but nobody knows:
8. I could have finished this work earlier, but I took my time because I was free:
9. They haven't called yet. They may have forgotten to call or they're in trouble somewhere. You never know:
10. My friend should not have travelled to that cty because there was a civil war in there. He luckily didn't get hurt:
Reading Exercise: Benefits of Humor
Reading Comprehension: The Benefits of Humor
I. Read the text and answer the questions below:
Humour has multiple benefits both mentally and physically. Laughter improves the immune system, making us
stronger and better able to fight off disease. And all that humour requires us to do is breathing in more
oxygen, which is good for the entire body. The physical benefits of humour do not end there. Laughing has been
proven to lower blood pressure, burn calories and give your internal organs a good massage. It also exercises almost the entire body, which explains
why we get sore sides after a good laugh session. Moreover, it lowers stress hormone, keeping us calmer.
Humour can change your mood instantly. It is very hard to be angry when something strikes you as funny. Laughing stimulates the brain, both left and right sides, to help the later retain more information. Depression and anxiety are almost non-existent in people who have a great sense of humour and who are able to laugh at themselves. These people automatically see the world in a different light, simply because of their sense of humour. Some doctors even recommend laughing as a therapeutic exercise.
This concept has even gone so far as to form humour clubs where the main activity is laughing. The idea behind this is that if you spend an hour giggling there, you will be healthier. The people who join these clubs spend the hour or so chortling away and go home feeling rejuvenated and healthy. According to the laughing clubs, you do not have to feel the laughter in order for it to be beneficial. Just opening your mouth and laughing on purpose, forced or not, can increase heart rate, oxygen level and boost the immune system. And humour is proven to be contagious, so a good group laugh is quite probable every time the members of these clubs get together.
Humour can change your mood instantly. It is very hard to be angry when something strikes you as funny. Laughing stimulates the brain, both left and right sides, to help the later retain more information. Depression and anxiety are almost non-existent in people who have a great sense of humour and who are able to laugh at themselves. These people automatically see the world in a different light, simply because of their sense of humour. Some doctors even recommend laughing as a therapeutic exercise.
This concept has even gone so far as to form humour clubs where the main activity is laughing. The idea behind this is that if you spend an hour giggling there, you will be healthier. The people who join these clubs spend the hour or so chortling away and go home feeling rejuvenated and healthy. According to the laughing clubs, you do not have to feel the laughter in order for it to be beneficial. Just opening your mouth and laughing on purpose, forced or not, can increase heart rate, oxygen level and boost the immune system. And humour is proven to be contagious, so a good group laugh is quite probable every time the members of these clubs get together.
Comprehensions: Expressing Lack of Understanding
I. Are the following sentences true or False? Choose the correct justification.
A. Humor can increase blood pressure?Answer:
B. People who have a good sense of humour do not have anxiety and depression.
C. It is important to feel the laugher for it to be beneficial.
I. Choose the correct answer to the following questions:
A. Why does the write compare laughter to an exercising session? Answer:
B. Why do people join humour clubs?
I. Select the benefits of humor:
1. 2.
I. Find in the text words or expressions which mean the same as:
A. Make better (Paragraph 1)
B. Immediately (Paragraph 2)
C. Refreshed (Paragraph 3)
D. Infectious (Paragraph 3)
I. What do the underlined words in the text refer to?:
A. It (Paragraph 1)
B. There (Paragraph 3)
Writing Exercise: A Narrative Funny Story / Incident
Reading Comprehension: The Benefits of Humor
I. Read the paragraph and translate the words in brackets:
Last year, I was studying English at school. The lessons was about vocabulay of (الحيوانات) . During the lessons, the teacher asked a
student to (رسم) an elephant
on the (سبورة) . The student
stood up, went to the board and put a very small point on the board. The teacher was (مندهش) . He didn't understand! He asked the student!
Teacher: What is that John?
John: is an (فيل) teacher!
Teacher: No John! that is not an elephant. It's just a point on the board.
John: teacher. That is an elephant, but it is very (بعيد) from here. That's why it is very small.
At that moment, everybody in class burst into laughter because the incident was so (مضحك) .
Teacher: What is that John?
John: is an (فيل) teacher!
Teacher: No John! that is not an elephant. It's just a point on the board.
John: teacher. That is an elephant, but it is very (بعيد) from here. That's why it is very small.
At that moment, everybody in class burst into laughter because the incident was so (مضحك) .
Writing Exercise Two: A Narrative Funny Story
Writing: Writing a Narrative Funny Story
I. Translate the words in brackets into arabic:
One day, a man was walking on the (الشارع) . He was (جائع) because he couldn’t find what to eat. Suddenly, he saw a (دجاجة) walking beside a house. “WOW! I can finally have some food.” He said. He sneaked towards that house and (إنقض) on that chicken like a fierce dog. He took the chicken to a (شاطئ) near town because no one could see him there. He defeather it there, cooked it in a pot and ate it.All of a sudden, the police (وصلوا) there because the owner of the house had reported his chicken missing. The police started talking to him. “Where is the chicken you stole from that house?” They asked him. The man replied: “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” The police: “Did you cook the chicken and ate it here?” The man (نكر) completely. The police: “But look; its feathers are still here. You must have defeathered it here and ate it.” The man replied: “Ah, I will tell you the (الحقيقة) . The chicken was very hot. It took off its (ملابس) and went (السباحة) there.” The police couldn’t believe how he made up that (قصة) . They all started laughing at his (غبية) explanation. They took him to the police station. However, when he explained that the (السبب) why he did that was because he was (جائع) , they let him out and warned him not to do it again.
تمارين تفاعلية إضافية
عرض الثانية بكالوريا مع الأستاذ السيمو
- جميع دروس الثانية بكالوريا. 👨🏫
- حصتان مباشرة في الأسبوع. 🔴
- ملفات و ملخصات الدروس. 📝
- حصص مكثفة للمراجعة قبل الإمتحان. 🎯
- مواكبة و توجيهات طوال الموسم. 💭
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